
Getting to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus

Because we will begin bright and early on July 14, participants will be required to be on site beginning on the evening of July 13. We will run programming through the end of the day on July 25. Participants will be responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the University of Minnesota, and there are several options for doing so. The most detailed descriptions of transportation options can be found on UMN's International Student and Scholar Services website.

Here are a few examples of how to get to campus by plane, train, and car:

  • By plane: Minneapolis-St.Paul (MSP) is our wonderful regional airport and a Delta hub. Campus can be reached by taking the Blue Line light rail from MSP to the US Bank Stadium stop, which connects with the Green Line. Taking the train toward Saint Paul/Union Depot, get off on the East Bank campus stop. Ride share options are also available from MSP.
  • By rail: Daily trains run from Milwaukee and regular trains from Chicago, to St. Paul’s Union Depot. From Union Depot, take the Green Line light rail to the East Campus stop. 
  • By car: Campus just a few blocks off of I-94, reachable by several different exits. Parking passes for campus ramps are available for $11/day.

Getting Around Campus

The University of Minnesota Campus is one of the largest urban campuses in the nation. While all Institute activities will be occur on the East Bank campus, we also encourage participants to explore all that campus has to offer. Regular buses connect all corners of campus, and paratransit services are available to offer accessible transportation curb-to-curb. Both services are free for participants.

Large, modern campus bus

Getting Around the Twin Cities

While attending the Institute, we encourage participants to explore the Twin Cities. Metro Transit runs regular buses and light rail trains through campus daily, connecting UMN to both cities. From campus, it's a quick jaunt to downtown St. Paul or downtown Minneapolis, one transfer to the Mall of America, and any number of the Twin Cities' nationally-recognized parks. 

Light rail trains on both tracks running through campus